
Hue+Cry is an independent animation studio that works on everything from commercials to short films. They combine an artist-led approach to storytelling with a dogged commitment to quality, craft, innovation, and having a good time. 

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The team came to us wanting to update their identity to better reflect the growth and culture of their evolving studio. We helped refresh their brand by creating a modular, fluid identity system that balances simplicity and utility with almost endless possibilities to keep things fresh.

Built on a simple quadrant grid, the logo lockup combines an H+C monogram with a classic smiley motif—representing the character-filled work they produce and the people behind the scenes who make it. The logo system expands out, offering multiple versions of the theme, as well as the introduction of discretionary visuals for more specific use. This allowed the studio freedom to create their own unique versions and dynamic motion within a distinct and recognizable branding framework. One of our favorite parts of this process was seeing how Hue+Cry took ownership of their identity, bringing the system to life in ways we hadn't originally thought of.

When it came to the rest of the design system, we wanted to create an elevated version of the classic 'local business' aesthetic by using bold, utilitarian typography, limiting type size combinations, introducing fun and humor into their copy, stripping back the color palette, and generally taking a 'bigger is better' approach to filling space.

The result is a confident and distinct identity that can take center stage when it needs to, or in its simplicity, take a step back from the spotlight and let the work shine for itself.

a picture of a smiley face on a piece of paper
a large billboard with a logo on it

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